Source code for pymunk.arbiter

__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Dict, List, Any, Iterable, Sequence

    from .space import Space
    from .shapes import Shape

from ._chipmunk_cffi import ffi, lib
from .contact_point_set import ContactPointSet
from .vec2d import Vec2d

[docs] class Arbiter(object): """The Arbiter object encapsulates a pair of colliding shapes and all of the data about their collision. They are created when a collision starts, and persist until those shapes are no longer colliding. .. Warning:: Because arbiters are handled by the space you should never hold onto a reference to an arbiter as you don't know when it will be destroyed! Use them within the callback where they are given to you and then forget about them or copy out the information you need from them. """
[docs] def __init__(self, _arbiter: ffi.CData, space: "Space") -> None: """Initialize an Arbiter object from the Chipmunk equivalent struct and the Space. .. note:: You should never need to create an instance of this class directly. """ self._arbiter = _arbiter self._space = space
def _get_contact_point_set(self) -> ContactPointSet: _set = lib.cpArbiterGetContactPointSet(self._arbiter) return ContactPointSet._from_cp(_set) def _set_contact_point_set(self, point_set: ContactPointSet) -> None: # This has to be done by fetching a new Chipmunk point set, update it # according to whats passed in and the pass that back to chipmunk due # to the fact that ContactPointSet doesnt contain a reference to the # corresponding c struct. _set = lib.cpArbiterGetContactPointSet(self._arbiter) _set.normal = point_set.normal if len(point_set.points) == _set.count: for i in range(_set.count): _set.points[i].pointA = point_set.points[0].point_a _set.points[i].pointB = point_set.points[0].point_b _set.points[i].distance = point_set.points[0].distance else: msg = "Expected {} points, got {} points in point_set".format( _set.count, len(point_set.points) ) raise Exception(msg) lib.cpArbiterSetContactPointSet(self._arbiter, ffi.addressof(_set)) contact_point_set = property( _get_contact_point_set, _set_contact_point_set, doc="""Contact point sets make getting contact information from the Arbiter simpler. Return `ContactPointSet`""", ) @property def shapes(self) -> Tuple["Shape", "Shape"]: """Get the shapes in the order that they were defined in the collision handler associated with this arbiter """ shapeA_p ="cpShape *[1]") shapeB_p ="cpShape *[1]") lib.cpArbiterGetShapes(self._arbiter, shapeA_p, shapeB_p) a, b = self._space._get_shape(shapeA_p[0]), self._space._get_shape(shapeB_p[0]) assert a is not None assert b is not None return a, b def _get_restitution(self) -> float: return lib.cpArbiterGetRestitution(self._arbiter) def _set_restitution(self, restitution: float) -> None: lib.cpArbiterSetRestitution(self._arbiter, restitution) restitution = property( _get_restitution, _set_restitution, doc="""The calculated restitution (elasticity) for this collision pair. Setting the value in a pre_solve() callback will override the value calculated by the space. The default calculation multiplies the elasticity of the two shapes together. """, ) def _get_friction(self) -> float: return lib.cpArbiterGetFriction(self._arbiter) def _set_friction(self, friction: float) -> None: lib.cpArbiterSetFriction(self._arbiter, friction) friction = property( _get_friction, _set_friction, doc="""The calculated friction for this collision pair. Setting the value in a pre_solve() callback will override the value calculated by the space. The default calculation multiplies the friction of the two shapes together. """, ) def _get_surface_velocity(self) -> Vec2d: v = lib.cpArbiterGetSurfaceVelocity(self._arbiter) return Vec2d(v.x, v.y) def _set_surface_velocity(self, velocity: Vec2d) -> None: lib.cpArbiterSetSurfaceVelocity(self._arbiter, velocity) surface_velocity = property( _get_surface_velocity, _set_surface_velocity, doc="""The calculated surface velocity for this collision pair. Setting the value in a pre_solve() callback will override the value calculated by the space. the default calculation subtracts the surface velocity of the second shape from the first and then projects that onto the tangent of the collision. This is so that only friction is affected by default calculation. Using a custom calculation, you can make something that responds like a pinball bumper, or where the surface velocity is dependent on the location of the contact point. """, ) @property def total_impulse(self) -> Vec2d: """Returns the impulse that was applied this step to resolve the collision. This property should only be called from a post-solve or each_arbiter callback. """ v = lib.cpArbiterTotalImpulse(self._arbiter) return Vec2d(v.x, v.y) @property def total_ke(self) -> float: """The amount of energy lost in a collision including static, but not dynamic friction. This property should only be called from a post-solve or each_arbiter callback. """ return lib.cpArbiterTotalKE(self._arbiter) @property def is_first_contact(self) -> bool: """Returns true if this is the first step the two shapes started touching. This can be useful for sound effects for instance. If its the first frame for a certain collision, check the energy of the collision in a post_step() callback and use that to determine the volume of a sound effect to play. """ return bool(lib.cpArbiterIsFirstContact(self._arbiter)) @property def is_removal(self) -> bool: """Returns True during a separate() callback if the callback was invoked due to an object removal. """ return bool(lib.cpArbiterIsRemoval(self._arbiter)) @property def normal(self) -> Vec2d: """Returns the normal of the collision.""" v = lib.cpArbiterGetNormal(self._arbiter) return Vec2d(v.x, v.y)
def _contacts_to_dicts( _contacts: Sequence[ffi.CData], count: int ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: res = [] for i in range(count): res.append(_contact_to_dict(_contacts[i])) return res def _contact_to_dict(_contact: ffi.CData) -> Dict[str, Any]: d = {} d["r1"] = _contact.r1.x, _contact.r1.y d["r2"] = _contact.r2.x, _contact.r2.y d["nMass"] = _contact.nMass d["tMass"] = _contact.tMass d["bounce"] = _contact.bounce d["jnAcc"] = _contact.jnAcc d["jtAcc"] = _contact.jtAcc d["jBias"] = _contact.jBias d["bias"] = _contact.bias d["hash"] = _contact.hash return d def _contacts_from_dicts(ds: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[ffi.CData]: _contacts = lib.cpContactArrAlloc(len(ds)) for i in range(len(ds)): _contact = _contacts[i] d = ds[i] _contact.r1.x = d["r1"][0] _contact.r1.y = d["r1"][1] _contact.r2.x = d["r2"][0] _contact.r2.y = d["r2"][1] _contact.nMass = d["nMass"] _contact.tMass = d["tMass"] _contact.bounce = d["bounce"] _contact.jnAcc = d["jnAcc"] _contact.jtAcc = d["jtAcc"] _contact.jBias = d["jBias"] _contact.bias = d["bias"] _contact.hash = d["hash"] return _contacts def _arbiter_from_dict(d: Dict[str, Any], space: "Space") -> ffi.CData: _arb = lib.cpArbiterNew( d["a"]._shape, d["b"]._shape ) # this will also set the bodies _arb.e = d["e"] _arb.u = d["u"] _arb.surface_vr = d["surface_vr"] _arb.count = d["count"] _arb.contacts = _contacts_from_dicts(d["contacts"]) _arb.n = d["n"] _arb.swapped = d["swapped"] _arb.stamp = d["stamp"] _arb.state = d["state"] return _arb def _arbiter_to_dict(_arbiter: ffi.CData, space: "Space") -> Dict[str, Any]: d = {} d["e"] = _arbiter.e d["u"] = _arbiter.u d["surface_vr"] = (_arbiter.surface_vr.x, _arbiter.surface_vr.y) cp_bodies = {} cp_shapes = {} for body in space.bodies: cp_bodies[body._body] = body for shape in space.shapes: cp_shapes[shape._shape] = shape # cpDataPointer data; d["a"] = cp_shapes[_arbiter.a] d["b"] = cp_shapes[_arbiter.b] # these are not needed, since they can be fetched from the shapes # d['body_a'] = cp_bodies[_arbiter.body_a] # d['body_b'] = cp_bodies[_arbiter.body_b] # struct cpArbiterThread thread_a, thread_b; d["count"] = _arbiter.count d["contacts"] = _contacts_to_dicts(_arbiter.contacts, _arbiter.count) d["n"] = _arbiter.n.x, _arbiter.n.y # // Regular, wildcard A and wildcard B collision handlers. # cpCollisionHandler *handler, *handlerA, *handlerB; d["swapped"] = _arbiter.swapped d["stamp"] = _arbiter.stamp d["state"] = _arbiter.state return d